2014-01-01 Watsonia tabularis (1)

Observed by Evanne Rothwell
Friends of Silvermine Nature Area
Evanne Rothwell's reputation in PlantsEvanne Rothwell's reputation in Plants on 1st January 2014
2014-01-01 Watsonia tabularis (1)

Masses out in bloom

Location: ERF917, Table Mountain National Park
Species interactions

No interactions present.

Other observations of Watsonia tabularis

Species with which Watsonia tabularis interacts


pls always include photos of

pls always include photos of leaves and bracts with Watsonia, as they are important id features


agreed: Identifying Watsonias without leaves is nigh impossible.

How do you know that this is tabularis?


This was identified by a FOSNA member who does the flower collections for the info Centre - Sheila Robinson

Not verifiable

The point is that no one can see if this is correct or not. What if your FOSNA made a mistake? Had a bad day? Or is not so hot on Watsonias?

The whole point of posting observations is that they are verifiable.
At present this is only verifiable to Watsonia!


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