National Marine Week 2014
29 September 2014 - 8:40am — Mari-LiseIt's National Marine Week from the 6th to the 12th of October this year!
SANBI marine programme and the SeaKeys project will be running several events in celebration of this and we encourage everyone to get involved and spread the word. -
Celebrate our Seas Festival
21 August 2014 - 4:06pm — anonymous spotterCelebrate our Seas Festival
6 - 12 October
The Celebrate our Seas Festival highlights and addresses issues relevant to the entire marine life environment. The Festival is a National Marine Week Initiative.OBJECTIVES OF THE CELEBRATE OUR SEAS FESTIVAL
• Creating awareness of the importance and plight of the marine environment targeting the general public and people of influence (teachers, corporates, decision makers etc);
How well do you know your iSpot??
21 August 2014 - 1:50pm — tony rebeloSo you think you are on top of your iSpot? (which presumably reflects interest in our fauna and flora and moulds).
Let us see how well you fare?* How many groups have over 10 000 observations on iSpot ZA?
(or what are the most popular groups?)* What level are most insects on iSpot ZA identified to: family, genus or species?
(or how well do we know our insects?)* What
- order
- family
- tribe
- genus
has the highest number of lowest resolution observations on iSpot ZA (i.e. excluding IDs below that level).
(or where should we be investing our research in taxonomy?) -
Explore, Identify, Contribute, Personalise! iSpot’s new look launched today
21 August 2014 - 9:41am — tony rebelo(NOT AVAILABLE FOR ZA YET: BUT COMING SOON
BUT FOR A PREVIEW GO TO http://www.ispotnature.org/)Welcome to the new look for iSpot! Months of hard work by iSpot development team can now be revealed, with a fresh design and exciting additional features. Here are the main changes that you will find. We hope you like them!
What’s changed?
The main menus at the top of each page have been simplified and grouped to make iSpot's structure clearer.
Groen Sebenza's at SANBI
21 July 2014 - 1:33pm — anonymous spotterSANBI is currently running the
Groen Sebenza Programme for developing young conservation practitioners across South Africa.
This programme is being implemented in partnership with 32 different conservation organisations who are providing placements for a total of 800 young graduates or matriculants.
Peter Timm Memorial Biodive
4 July 2014 - 8:33am — RosePalmerPeter Timm’s life and achievements will be celebrated at Triton Dive Lodge this Saturday.
Your Vote Needed & a little Quiz
18 June 2014 - 11:10am — tony rebeloPlease help us make some decisions - read more
6000 Users on iSpot
11 May 2014 - 10:54pm — tony rebeloAedan_123 is our 6000th user to register on iSpot.
Welcome Aedan and all our other users who form part of the iSpot family.Marion Maclean has just attained 10 000 social points on iSpot.
These are awarded for contributions to iSpot (observations, images, comments and forum items). She is the third person to reach this mark (only 9 users have over 5000 points). She runs several projects on iSpot of which her Montagu Moths and moths reared from caterpillars feature prominently. -
New Forum: Tips to Rearing Larvae
5 April 2014 - 9:24pm — tony rebeloA new forum - Tips to rearing larvae - seems to have really gotten some people excited!
There appears to be a budding community interested in finding caterpillars, maggots and larvae and rearing them to adults. All the while documenting the instars and plotting their progress on iSpot.