Sea Coral Atlas

  • SeaCoralAtlas Logo v1.png

Sea Coral Atlas – mapping the distribution of our marine Coral species:

The Sea Coral Atlas aims to map where our corals occur. It is geared towards the diving and fishing fraternity and the aim is to obtain records of any coral from anywhere: the deep sea, the nearshore and the coastal and coral reefs.
Simply photograph your Coral and upload to iSpot. The more observations we get the better our maps will be.

The Sea Coral Atlas is a SeaKeys initiative.

If you are participating in this Atlas, please request a Sea Coral Atlas badge here: Badge Please. You will need to submit 10 observations on iSpot to be eligible.

Please tag your Sea Coral Atlas observations with the tags "SeaKeys" or "Sea Coral Atlas" as you prefer (preferably both: separated with a comma).

If you have any queries, tips or comments, please post them below!

Latest Observations - Sea Coral Atlas:

(see in browse format or send link:

Latest Observations - SeaKeys:

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