Observations in the Species: Maerua cafra

Maerua cafra

(c)Ben Cobbing
By: Ben CobbingBen Cobbing's reputation in PlantsBen Cobbing's reputation in Plants
Location: R75, Uitenhage Farms
Observed on: 2nd October 2013
Added to iSpot: 3rd October 2013
Identifications: 2
Agreements: 2
Comments: 1
Description: This was a small woody tree / bush observed just outside Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape. Not armed and had these spindly spider like flowers. The leaves are bright green and bunched. There were some duller green berries or pods that appeared 4-valved, but am not sure if these were going to open into flowers. Tree / bush height was small - less than a meter, but it was growing on the road verge and under some other plants.


By: qgrobler
Eastern Cape Parks & Tourism Agency
qgrobler's reputation in Plantsqgrobler's reputation in Plantsqgrobler's reputation in Plantsqgrobler's reputation in Plants
Location: 30, Kingfisher Ave
Observed on: 14th September 2008
Added to iSpot: 16th February 2013
Likely ID: Maerua cafra
Identifications: 1
Agreements: 0
Comments: 0

Maerua cafra (Bush-cherry)

 Maerua cafra (Bush-cherry)
By: Nicky
Botanical Society of South AfricaCustodians of Rare and Endangered WildflowersMountain Club of SA (South Cape)Succulent Society of South Africa
Nicky is knowledgeable about PlantsNicky's earned reputation in PlantsNicky's earned reputation in PlantsNicky's earned reputation in PlantsNicky's earned reputation in PlantsNicky's earned reputation in Plants
Location: Baviaanskloof
Observed on: 7th October 2012
Added to iSpot: 21st October 2012
Identifications: 1
Agreements: 4
Comments: 0
Description: Tree. I could not determine the height as I could not see its base but may reach 9m. Leaves trifoliate.

Bush cherry, PE

Maerua PE
By: Prix BurgoynePlants expert
Location: Ralo St, Kwamagxaki
Observed on: 4th October 2009
Added to iSpot: 4th May 2012
Identifications: 1
Agreements: 3
Comments: 0
Description: Shrub or short tree about 2 to 3m tall. Flowers white.

Wildeboshout - Maerua cafra

Maerua cafra
By: adriaan_grobler
Botanical Society of South AfricaCustodians of Rare and Endangered WildflowersFriends of Van Stadens
adriaan_grobler is knowledgeable about Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plants
Location: Settlers Park, Port Elizabeth, EC
Observed on: 19th October 2011
Added to iSpot: 20th October 2011
Identifications: 1
Agreements: 3
Comments: 0

Wildeboshout - Maerua cafra

Maerua cafra
By: adriaan_grobler
Botanical Society of South AfricaCustodians of Rare and Endangered WildflowersFriends of Van Stadens
adriaan_grobler is knowledgeable about Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plantsadriaan_grobler's earned reputation in Plants
Location: Hopewell Reserve, Port Elizabeth, EC
Observed on: 8th October 2011
Added to iSpot: 11th October 2011
Identifications: 1
Agreements: 2
Comments: 0
Description: Small shrub about 80 cm tall. Leaves trifoliate with obovate leaflets, the terminal leaflet longer than the lateral ones (about 3-4 cm). Cream coloured flowers are arranged in a terminal corymb.

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