Observations in the Species: Boscia foetida subsp. rehmanniana

English Name: Foetid Shepherd Tree or Fynblaar-Witgat or Mopipi or Stink Shepherds Tree or Stink Shepherdtee or Stinkwitgat or Stinkwitgatboom or Tshibibi or Tshithobi or Umlalampisi or Umvithi

Synonyms also shown: Boscia foetida, Boscia rehmanniana

Boscia in bushveld

Boscia foetida1
By: Leigh-AnnLeigh-Ann's reputation in PlantsLeigh-Ann's reputation in PlantsLeigh-Ann's reputation in Plants
Location: Steelpoort, Limpopo
Observed on: 31st October 2012
Added to iSpot: 5th November 2012
Identifications: 2
Agreements: 3
Comments: 1

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