
Observed by darius van rensburgdarius van rensburg's reputation in Plantsdarius van rensburg's reputation in Plantsdarius van rensburg's reputation in Plantsdarius van rensburg's reputation in Plants on 10th January 2012
007 (2)
Boscia foetida subsp. minima_2

Low growing: 20cm, Spreading to approximately 1m.

Location: Delareyville
Species interactions

No interactions present.


The species only grows to a

The species only grows to a height of 20cm, is a type of suffruticate and spreads to about 1m in diameter.

Diospyros austro-africana var. microphylla

The Jakkalsbos scrambling over rocks in grassveld.

Added photograph

I added another photograph of this plant. Surface rock is non-existent and the area only consists of deep sandy soils.

Highly unlikely to be D. austro-africana.