
Observed by tony rebelo
iSpot TeamBotanical Society of South Africa A-teamCape Bird ClubEntomological Society of Southern AfricaFriends of Tokai ParkProtea Atlas ProjectSenior Scout AdventureSouth African National Biodiversity InstituteSouth African National Parks Honorary RangersToyota Enviro Outreach
Plants expert on 16th August 2012
Location: Auob Road - Auchterlonie to Tweeriverien
Species interactions

No interactions present.

Other observations of Witgat (Boscia albitrunca)



I would not have guessed this! The leaves are perfect but this was a dwarf creeper, pruned by browsing to a bonsai not more than 200mm tall and spreading sideways.

How a plant that is so tasty survives beats me!

But look at the other observations: all have clear browse lines or other evidence of being chewed to death!
No wonder the best plants are in the dunes far from any waterholes!