Description: Observed on side of Boesmanskloof Trail (Greyton - McGregor Trail). There were three similar columns in the vicinity - they had not grown as high as the ones pictured. Both "clusters" were growing on the very edge of the trail. The weather was warm and sunny, but judging by the amount of water in the rivers in the valley it may well have rained fairly recently.
Description: Very excited to see that Mystropetalon thomii has just started flowering after the first Autumn rains. We would be most grateful for any information regarding population numbers and localities of this plant. If you come across it please could you email myself ([email protected]) or Dr Nina Hobbhahn ([email protected]).
Description: Dear All Dr Nina Hobbhahn (UKZN) and myself (UCT) are embarking on a project with the support of Cape Nature investigating the pollination and reproductive ecology of the holoparasitic plant Mystropetallon thomii or Kaapsewolwekos, Red Capecob (family Balanophoraceae) (synonyms/confused with Mystropetalon sollyii, Mystropetalon polemannii). The inflorescences should start to emerge from the soil after the first autumn rains around mid-April.
At base of steep southeast facing sandstone roadcut on the historical pass of the Boesmanskloof Trail between McGregor and Greyton. Elevation: 620 masl. Location gets little sunlight.
Description: Maroon red flowers clustered along a spike, very densely packed. No leaves visible, inflorescence emerging straight from the sand. Clustered around Protea repens roots but also in independent clusters. No strong scent.