Observations in the Genus: Hexacyrtis

Hexacyrtis dickiana

Hexacyrtis dickiana
By: PieterMierPieterMier is knowledgeable about PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in Plants
Location: Spogplaas
Observed on: 4th November 2013
Added to iSpot: 7th November 2013
Likely ID: Hexacyrtis dickiana
Identifications: 1
Agreements: 1
Comments: 2
Description: Interesting is the firs time I found this species in flower was close to Witvoorkop in June last year. This year the ones at Witvoorkop never came out whereas this colony is flowering at Spogplaas at the moment and in June last year when the colony at Witvoorkop was flowering this colony at Spogplaas didn't appear at all.

Hexacyrtis dickiana

Hexacyrtis dickiana
By: PieterMierPieterMier is knowledgeable about PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in PlantsPieterMier's earned reputation in Plants
Location: Witvoorkop
Observed on: 18th September 2011
Added to iSpot: 5th April 2013
Likely ID: Hexacyrtis dickiana
Identifications: 2
Agreements: 3
Comments: 7
Description: A deciduous perennial psammophilous, herbaceous geophyte with a tunicated corm that can grow up till 70cm high. The smooth lance shaped leaves are folded, fine edged and can grow to 15cm long. The yellow-green flowers are maroon on the tips of the petals, the stamens grows spreading outwards. Flowers grows on ramified flowering stems, flowers grows hanging. The flowers can grow to 4cm in diameter. The round fruits are fleshy. Flowers September to October. This specie grows on sand dunes close to Beauvallon. This specie is threatened in this area due to mining and overgrazing.

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