Allophylus natalensis

Observed by Outrampsjenny
Botanical Society of South AfricaCustodians of Rare and Endangered WildflowersGarden Route Botanical GardenOutrampsProtea Atlas Project
Outrampsjenny is knowledgeable about PlantsOutrampsjenny's earned reputation in PlantsOutrampsjenny's earned reputation in PlantsOutrampsjenny's earned reputation in PlantsOutrampsjenny's earned reputation in Plants on 13th April 2014
Allophylus natalensis .IMGP0258_resize
Allophylus natalensis IMGP0259_resize
Allophylus natalensis. The Haven IMGP0257_resize

Small tree with dense spreading crown.
Flowers small whitish/yellow clustered along spike like racemes.

Location: The Haven Hotel. Transkei
Species interactions

No interactions present.

Other observations of Dune False Currant (Allophylus natalensis)

Species with which Dune False Currant (Allophylus natalensis) interacts