Getting started
What happens on iSpot? People upload their observations of nature, help each other identify it, and share and discuss what they've seen.
The best place to start is to look at some of the latest observations - you can see what people are observing right now. Anyone can see what's on the site without registering - just go back to the home page, and click on the photos for the latest observations, or on the species-group icons just below.
We'd love you to make use of the site yourself, by showing your own observations, or commenting on other people's and helping them to identify what they've found. To do this you'll need to register on the site - this is totally free, and does not commit you to anything. All you need to provide is a user name, an email address, and a password.
Then the next thing to do is to get outside and make some observations. You need to note down what you've seen, where you've seen it, and when you saw it. If you can take a digital photograph of it that is very helpful, and allows others to share what you've seen.
Then upload your observation. Click Add an observation, fill in the form, and you're away!
For help and advice on what to spot, where to see it, and how to identify it, go to the top of the page and click on the Groups menu - select which of the eight iSpot wildlife groups you are interested in.