FAQ: A photo is missing from my observation - how do I attach it?

Some people have found that their photo doesn't get linked to their observation after clicking the Save button. We're looking into what the problem might be, but in the meantime here is how to get round it.

  1. Go to your Observation, and click the "Edit" tab at the top of the page. Scroll down to find the section headed "Your available photos", and if your photo did get uploaded it should be visible. Tick the box next to the one/s that you want attached to your Observation. If your photo is not visible here, you'll need to try uploading again - proceed to step 2.
  2. If your photo is not showing, look for the "Add" box on the right of the page, and click on "Add some images". You can upload one or more images and save them.
  3. Go back to your Observation, and click the "Edit" tab again, and scroll down to the section "Your available photos". Your photo should now be avaiable and ready to tick the box next to it. Click on Save at the bottom of the Observation page, and your photo should now be showing as part of the observation.

If you're still having problems with photo uploads please let us know.

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